Thursday 30 March 2017

The Reformation and Counter-Reformation

Here you are the video we watched in class to finish the activities.

 And these are the questions:
  1. What were the reasons why Martin Luther complained about the Church?
  2. What was the role of the printing press in this context?
  3. When did Luther write his complaints?
  4. How many complaints did Luther write?
  5. Where did he show them?
  6. How can you define Reformation?
  7. What was the consequence of this Reformation?
  8. What was the situation in Europe in mid 16th century regarding to religion?
  9. How did Protestantism start in England?
  10. What was the reaction of the Catholic Church?
  11. What is the council of Trent? When was it called?
  12. Who led the new reformation?
  13. What was the most important issue for Jesuits?

Answer the following questions using your BOOK
  1. What were indulgences?   How did they influence the Reformation?
  2. List some of the most important principles of Protestantism
  3. What was Calvinism?
  4. Which practices were reformed In the Council of Trent?
  5. What were the consequences of the religious division in Europe?
  6. What was the Inquisition?

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