Friday 31 March 2017


Here you are the main characters of the Renaissance. Hope you remember your number.
Below them you have the task.

This is the link to have a look at some examples of galleries.

o       Botticelli                      10
o       Donatello                      5
o       Tiziano                          9
o       Bruneleschi                  23
o       Leon Batista Alberti    16
o       L. da Vinci                   26
o       Miguel Angel              11
o       Tintoretto                     27
o       El Verones                    4
o       Bramante                     17
o       Georgius Agrícola       24
o       Gutenberg                    6
o       Newton                        18
o       Copernico                    12
o       Dante                              1
o       Kepler                             15
o       Galileo                            7
o       Erasmus of Rotterdam    19
o       Thomas More                  2
o       Vesalius                          13
o       Lorenzo d’ Medici          21
o       Miguel Servet                 22
o       Raphael                             3
o       El Greco                         20
o       Antonio Nebrija               25
o       Luis Vives                       8
o       Juan de Herrera               14

Short biography: (5 lines maximum)
dates of birth/death, country/city, main contribution to culture

4 pictures (maximum)
Short description of each picture (3 lines maximum)

Send them by mail to: gandh.zobel[at]

 Sunday 9th April

Thursday 30 March 2017

The Reformation and Counter-Reformation

Here you are the video we watched in class to finish the activities.

 And these are the questions:
  1. What were the reasons why Martin Luther complained about the Church?
  2. What was the role of the printing press in this context?
  3. When did Luther write his complaints?
  4. How many complaints did Luther write?
  5. Where did he show them?
  6. How can you define Reformation?
  7. What was the consequence of this Reformation?
  8. What was the situation in Europe in mid 16th century regarding to religion?
  9. How did Protestantism start in England?
  10. What was the reaction of the Catholic Church?
  11. What is the council of Trent? When was it called?
  12. Who led the new reformation?
  13. What was the most important issue for Jesuits?

Answer the following questions using your BOOK
  1. What were indulgences?   How did they influence the Reformation?
  2. List some of the most important principles of Protestantism
  3. What was Calvinism?
  4. Which practices were reformed In the Council of Trent?
  5. What were the consequences of the religious division in Europe?
  6. What was the Inquisition?

Tuesday 14 March 2017


To help you with the study of the physical features of Europe, there you are some games and a blank map to practise your skills.

Hope you enjoy!

Where is ...?

coastal features:

What is ...?

coastal features:

Discovering Native Americans

These are the links you can use for your project:

Information about Mayan Culture
Information about Incan Culture
Information about Aztec Culture

And some useful language for the presentation:

We’re going to talk about the main facts about the  __________ culture.
First, we will talk about…., then, we’ll move on to…and finally we will…

Let’s begin with…
Let’s move on to…
Finally, …

To conclude, we would like to point that….

And you can also use these two dictionaries to look words up and check the pronunciation of new words:   - dictionary  -  pronunciation dictionary

ENJOY your project!

Create your poster with POSTERMYWALL

These are the instructions to create a poster with POSTERMYWALL.

** I strongly recommend you to save all the pictures you’re going to use, in a folder in your computer. **

  1. Go to.


  1. Create a design
  2. Choose one template. You can change whatever you want.
  3. Choose a template again, the same or a different one
  5. Design your poster
    • Don’t forget to change the title in: Título (right hand side)
  6. Once you finish, click on GUARDAR
  8. Write the name of the class project and then Login
The poster will be stored authomatically in the teacher’s folder.
    10.   To close the sesion, click on postermywall (left corner) and click on your “icon” (right corner) and log out.


  1. Login (upper right corner)
  3. Write the name of the class project and then Login
  1. MY STUFF:
    • Click on your poster and keep on designing it
    • Click on Edit design
o  Don’t forget to change the title in: Título (right hand side)
    • When you finish, click on Guardar
       6.  To close the sesion, click on postermywall (left corner) and click on your “icon”  (right corner) and log out.

If you want to use this app to create your own posters, out of the class, you will need your own password and your parent’s permission.

You can also use OTHER TOOLS to design your presentation such as:

But you will need to register first. Don't worry, it's free.

Sunday 12 March 2017

Some words about prehistory

These are the two wordclouds that you can use for your homework.
Remember: you have to write TEN statements about prehistory. You can read the information that is in your books.

Friday 3 March 2017

Climates and Landscapes through KAHOOT!

Hi my students!

These are the links to repeat hte two quizzes that we played in class to review the contents for the exam.
Hope you enjoy!

Before the exam, I'll publish more quizzes for you to practice.

Thursday 2 March 2017

Political AFRICA

HERE you are the countries and capital of AFRICA and a wonderful website to learn all about this continent. Click on the map to go there.
You can use it to pronounce the name of countries and capital correctly.
Hope it's useful for you. Enjoy!