Monday 16 March 2015

At last, some news.

Hi "my students"!!!!!

It's been a long time since the last time I wrote, so sorry.
As you can imagine, I've been very busy with my new job, learning a lot, trying to do loads of things at the same time, ufffff! I usually finish my day really tired as I spend long hours working with the computer, so, I don't feel like switching it on at home again.
But despite the tiredness, due to commuting everyday, I'm happy doing different things, meeting new lovely people and learning a lot about me and my skills. It's like a challenge!
I use your presents, teacher's kit, everyday, so, it's very easy to remember you. I'm eager to use the cushion for the plain, maybe I won't need to wait so much because ... I'm going to join the expedition to Australia!!!!!!
I'd like to congratulate, not only the two winners but all the candidates as I know all of you did a great job in your interviews. The simple fact that you have prepared it, looking forward to travelling to Melbourne to live a challenging experience, makes me feel very proud of you. I wish all of you could travel with us.
Jesús and me are also excited with this trip. I'm sureit will be an amazing experience for all of us.
I know you are taking your exams these days and studing a lot, ejem ejem :) . Good luck and enjoy the deserve break!

